

Why China

SCIG: China the New Global Business Centre

Your Business Success is Permanently Linked to China

Map ChinaChina has become a global economic superpower. No company or industry can afford to neglect China in the development of its business strategy. Whether your company operates internationally, or is exclusively domestic, China impacts your business. It is a virtual certainty that China, either directly or indirectly, is a supplier of your raw materials, buyer of your goods or services, or finances of your operations. If your company is involved in the production or sale of hard or soft commodities China's impact on your business is particularly acute. Over the coming few years China's global impact and role will intensify as the Yuan, China's currency, takes on the status of an international reserve currency.

SCIG recognized early on that global trading patterns were materially and permanently shifting toward China. Today a corporate China strategy is not only limited to expanding into the China market, but also entails business opportunities globally as China proactively invests in other regions to acquire strategic resources and market positions.

Stocks WorldWhether investing in China or partnering with China to go global, SCIG recognized that for the vast majority of North American and European companies, establishing successful and profitable business and investment relations with China was not only a daunting undertaking, but entailed significant barriers.

Westerners have to overcome the challenges of language, a radically different and complex socio-economic-political system, currency restrictions, differing legal institutions and traditions, and most critically differing business cultures and norms. Many companies that tried to conduct business in and with China failed because they simply couldn't, or wouldn't, adjust to new ways of doing business. Regrettably, many companies still fail.

SCIG has built its practice on bridging the West to the East and overcoming these obstacles and barriers.